By nicoletaionescu /
(TV Pilot) When her superhero father is attacked and left in a coma, a cunning criminal and her loyal crew attempt to infiltrate a supervillain empire and destroy it from within. (LUPIN meets THE BOYS)
“A well-developed pilot grounded in compelling characters, a riveting plot, and masterful writing.” —2021 ScreenCraft Drama Competition (judge’s notes)
Semifinalist, ScreenCraft Action & Adventure Screenplay Competition 2021
Semifinalist, ScreenCraft TV Pilot Script Competition 2021
Semifinalist, Filmmatic Screenplay Awards - Drama 5th
Semifinalist, CineQuest Screenwriting Competition 2020 (Top 50)
Semi-Finalist/Top 25, Save The Cat! Screenplay Challenge 2019-2020
Semi Finalist, Los Angeles International Screenplay Awards Spring 2020
Quarterfinalist, WeScreenplay TV Contest 2022
Quarterfinalist, PAGE International Screenwriting Awards Competition 2020
Quarterfinalist, Final Draft - Big Break 2020
Quarterfinalist, The Script Lab Free Screenplay Contest 2020
Script Reader Comments:
“This is a great draft of a pseudo-superhero action pilot…. Overall, this is an excellent draft, and I would be surprised if you had difficulty attracting attention for it.” —ScreenCraft Action & Adventure Screenplay Competition
“This was an absolutely fantastic read!! I could go on and on about what I loved about the script: the objectives were clear, and the characters were compelling… you have a wonderful ability to work in multiple action-packed set pieces.” —Jump Start Writing Competition
“Honestly, it was a welcome and rare pleasure to read this script…. Your concept is a great mix of whimsy, thrills, and drama. You have this rag-tag group trying to be super-villains of all things, and yet you find a way to make this premise sound both fun and scary.” —ScreenCraft TV Pilot Script Competition
“This is excellent writing and an excellent script…. The dialogue is excellent; each character has their unique voice. What a great hook at the reveal at the end of this one-hour television pilot!” —The Script Lab Free Screenplay Contest
“This was a great read. The plot flows quickly, every scene is necessary and reads fast, the dialogue is punchy and fun and the characters feel bright, vibrant and alive.” —Filmmatic Screenplay Awards